Our Last Semester

We are excited to let you guys know that as of June 1st, we have officially begun our final semester in Korea. That's right, we've got just three months left! We thought it would be a good time to give a few spring --> summer updates to our experiences here, do a little random photo dump, and let you guys know how it is going ☺


In the 9 months we've been living here, we have come to love our city that we fell into. It has been growing before our eyes, developing like crazy. We've literally watched constructions sites break ground and complete projects during our time here. The building close to our work finished up about two months ago and there are shops moving in.

New coffee shop, "Drop Top," in the building next to work

Cranes, cranes, and more cranes

And after visiting other places in Korea it is clear that the careful planning that has gone into building Sejong has been well worth it. There are so many dedicated green spaces, solar panels, bike paths, and river walks, it is so fun to explore.

Some yummy kimbop from a new shop across from our apartment.

We really love the bridges here

Our apartment building currently advertising a brand new Costco opening up across the bridge from us

The full-grown trees they planted during the early winter have survived and are now green!

Sleek apartment building silhouettes

View from the all-you-can-eat KBBQ we love


Work is going well. We have a new schedule and new students to contend with for our last three months. I'm happy with the new schedule because I got to keep some of my favorite classes/students. And Sam is pretty happy too. June is flying by~ ☺

We have our summer break at the end of July, as well as a few national holidays dotted around. So it should be a pretty straightforward semester.

Evening view from one of the classrooms

Ann, one of my students, gave me a birthday present

The students still aren't clear on how to spell or say my name

What in the world.. Ugh, some of our textbooks are really strange;
"draw someone going into a fitting room and write about an experience you had in a fitting room"

More gifts from students ♥
And again, I am "Joe"

Letter from one of my favorite students for my birthday

Students watching the Korea vs Sweden world cup game in the lobby after class last week

The students absolutely make the job. There are some funny kids in the bunch ☺

Thanks for reading

We are excited; we've purchased our return tickets home for September and we are looking forward to seeing our family and friends soon, as well as feeling back at home! Although we are seeing the light at the end of our journey here, we still have some exciting plans for our remaining time.
