
Showing posts from June, 2017

A new place!

I think I speak for both Sam and I when I say we are THRILLED to announce that we have officially signed our contracts to teach English in South Korea! We are heading to Sejong City, South Korea at the end of August.  How did we get here? The short version: This journey really began for us back in January. We had just graduated with our master's degrees and we were wondering where to go, what to do next. Over winter break we had a great lunch with one of Sam's childhood friends who told us all about his adventures teaching English abroad. It had always been something I wanted to do, but was too nervous to try. Well. After a few conversations and looking at stateside job prospects...we decided to go for it together.  It has been an up-and-down process, procuring documents for the visa registration, taking a TEFL course to become more competitive and knowledgeable about the field, volunteering at a local ESL center for refugees in Boise... and finally, af